Diplom-Grafik-Designer ( equivalent MFA )
State Academy of the Arts, Stuttgart, 1991
Postgraduate studies Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg 1991-93
Educational vita:
2003-2005 Visiting lecturer at the Media University in Stuttgart, Germany.
2003-2005 Visiting lecturer at Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg, Ludwigsburg,
Since 2005 Assistant Professor at the School of Art, Design and Media (ADM)
at Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore
2009 External examiner Master of Design program, College of the Creative Arts,
Massey University, Wellington, New Zealand
Courses developed and taught:
-FDN 110 Foundation Drawing (Figure Drawing)
-ANI 210 Basic Principles of Drawn Animation
-ANI250 History of Animation
-ANI 270 2D 2D Animation Workshop
-ART 230 Advanced Drawing
-ANI390 Animation Development and Preproduction
-ANI410 Final Year Project
-Special Topic Olympic Character Design
Professional experience:
Since 1993 illustrator, animator and comic book-artist :
Hannes Rall creates commissioned pieces and independent artistic works in the
fields of 2D animation, illustration, comics and character-design.
His style concentrates on bold visual statements, strong character design and clear
communication of ideas and stories. He strives for the creation of a distinctively
unique look in his art, incorporating various influences such as German expressionism,
modern comic/manga-styles and a reduced colour-palette. In his animation his goal
is to combine fluid and sophisticated animation with an innovative look in the design.
He is equally well versed in the use of traditional and digital tools.
His commissioned work covered a wide range of topics, including directing, designing
and animating advertising and promotional films; writing and drawing comic stories
for magazines as well as illustrations for books, magazines and advertising agencies.
Clients included main German TV-channels as ZDF, SWR, ARTE; publishing houses as
Egmont-Ehapa Verlag, Pabel-Moewig Verlag, Klett Verlag and many renowned ad-agencies.
Hannes Rall developed the visual presentation at Expo 2005 in Aichi, Japan for the client
Bio-Pro Baden-Württemberg, an institution promoting and supporting German life science
companies. This was part of the ”German pavillion” and included the design of the main
characters, a 24 page comic book, accompanying Flash-movie as well as the design of
the booth.
He is specializing on character design and has currently redesigned lead charcters of the
popular German comic book „Bussi Bär“ in 2D and 3D.
Other more recent work includes the creation and animation of the mascot of the
German company Goeckelesmaier:
Since 1997 Hannes Rall has built a strong reputation in adapting literature creatively
in independent animated short films:
“The Raven“ (1999) and ”The Erl-King“(2003) , adapted from the famous poems by
E.A. Poe and J.W. von Goethe respectively, have been shown in over 100 film-festivals
worldwide (including most A-List-festivals as Annecy, Anima Mundi, Espinho, Valladolid,
Odense, Santa Barbara, Dresden, Los Angeles SFF, New Orleans, etc.)
1999 ”The Raven“
Golden Sun Award (Best film of festival) CSUN Animation Festival, Los Angeles.
Gold Medal, CineArt Festival, Hamburg, Germany.
Certificate of excellence „Besonders Wertvoll“ by FBW, Germany.
In over 60 festivals in competition worldwide.
“The Raven” has been released on DVD in the US and broadcast in Germany on TV.
2005 “The Raven” has been screened among the first animations ever in the
renowned State Gallery of the Arts in Stuttgart.
2003 “The Erl-King“
„Goldener Reiter“ Filmfest Dresden, Germany.
(Winner of national competition).
Special jury award Shortfilm-Festival Rottweil, Germany
Honourable Mention, Filmshow Baden-Württemberg
First Place Dragon Con International Shortfilm-Festival, Atlanta
Semi-Finalist, Action Cut Shortfilm Competition Los Angeles
Certificate of excellence „Besonders Wertvoll“ by FBW , German
”The Raven“ is featured prominently in the traveling exhibition
”Animated Film from Germany 2004“ organised by the German Department of
Foreign Affairs and Goethe-Institut.
This exhibition is an overview of the current state of independent artistic animation
in Germany and features works of 15 major artists in the field.
“The Raven” serves in a “flagship-function” for the the exhibition, as it features
prominently as the poster-image and the cover-image of the catalogue.
The exhbition made it´s premiere in June 2004 at the Museum of Contemporary
Art in Teheran, Iran.
Since then it has been traveling to: Kairo, Alexandria, Ramallah, Damascus,
Beirut and Tel Aviv, Kyoto, Tokyo, Osaka, (35 000 visitors in Japan) Penang and Manila.
2007 The exhibition came to Singapore presented as a joint event by the Singapore
International Film Festival, the Singapore National Museum and the Goethe Institute
Hannes Rall also conducted a workshop on the exhibition and the principles of
animation at the “Lab” at the Singapore National Museum (April 28th 2007)
Dates of the exhibition „Animated Film from Germany“ in Singapore:
April 9th to 30th, National Museum Singapore
Very detailed information on the exhibition:
„The Raven“ more information on this multiple award winning film
Workshops and seminars:
Hannes Rall has conducted a multitude of workshops. presentations and
seminars worldwide:
2005 5 day Workshop at the Goethe Institute Damascus, Syria on the
“Principles of Animation”
2005 3 day Workshop on “Principles of Animation” for the Arabic Broadcast Union
(ABU) in Damascus
2006 2 day workshop on the exhibition “Animated Films from Germany” at the
Bangkok International Film Festival in cooperation with the Goethe Institute Bangkok
2006 2 days of guest lectures in Malaysia on German animation:
-The One Academy, Kuala Lumpur
-University Sultan Idris, Tajong Malim
2007 1 day workshop at the Singapore National Museum on the
“Secrets of Drawn Animation”
Workshop on the “Principles of Animation”
23.10 2007-2.11.2007
Universiti Sains Malaysia/Penang in cooperation with the Goethe-Institute in Kuala Lumpur
11.-14.11. 2007
30th November 2007 ANIMATION NATION film festival Singapore
Host and MC of animation workshop with Nancy Beiman
5.5-09.05.2008 Invited speaker, conducting two presentations at FMX 08,
Europe´s leading conference for digital animation:
5.5. 2008: Writing For Animation - Three Case Studies
Paper given by Hannes Rall: ”Script development of the „Cold Heart“
5.5.2008: Nanyang University, School of Art Design and Media
Introducing the Digital Animation program at Nanyang University
6.6.2008 Invited animation workshop Stadtmuseum Tübingen ( Germany)
25.-27.06.2008 Animation workshop at FINAS (Malaysian Film Institute), Kuala Lumpur
17.11.2008 Invited presentation at the BLOW Festival
College of Creative Arts,. Massey University, Wellington, New Zealand
Paper given: „Adapting Classic Literature for Animation“
16.4.-24.4. 2009 Workshop on ”Advanced Character Design
and Animation Techniques“ at FINAS, the Malay Film Institute Kuala Lumpur
in cooperation with the Goethe Institute Kuala Lumpur
Since 2008 Member of Academic Committee
2007/2008 Member of Chair´s Advisory Committee
2007/2008 Member of Reappointment Committee
2007/2008 Member of Curriculum Committee
2007/2008 Chair of Faculty (Digital Animation) Search Committee
2006/2007 Chair of Research Committee (5K grants)
Initiation, organisation and coordination of MOU with Stuttgart
Media University (SMU) in September to November 2007
MOU had been signed and is effective from November 2007
October 2006
Chair of Research Committee 2006
As the chair of this research committee Hans Rall was responsible for developing a
system to evaluate the proposals for ADMs 5K research grants, which are given to FT faculty.
He designed an efficiently functioning system and supervised the process of selecting
the grant beneficiaries under that system.
Workshops @ NTU:
Initiation and organization of lecture and workshop with Academy Award winner Volker Engel
Hans Rall made it possible to bring Academy Award winner Volker Engel to NTU. Volker held a
very well attended lecture and conducted a workshop at ADM. Hans Rall was planning and
organizing the stay and co directing the workshop. Volker Engel received high publicity and
was beneficial for the reputation of ADM. Hans Rall also helped to bring Prof. Engel in a very
cost efficient way to ADM.
November 2006:
Judge for the NEmation competition
The NEmation competition is an event which secondary school students compete under a given
topic with producing 60 sec. animated shorts. Prof. Rall was giving support to the event and
acting as a judge to select the winner of the competition.
March 2007
Organization of workshop and lecture with Prof. Frank Terry /CalArts
Asst/Prof. Rall was responsible for organization and support of Prof. Terrys stay at ADM.
September 2007
Preparation and organization of workshop by Professor Wibke Weber
Full Professor of Information Design at Stuttgart Media University (HDM), held at ADM
from 17-21 September 2007.
February 2008
Organisation and management of visit, seminar and guest lectures of world renowned
animation artist Prof. Hans Bacher